Friday, April 30, 2010

Anybody been a teen mother and has some advice on how it affected your life after the birth of your child?

I am a teen mother. I am 17 and my daughter is 6 months old. Yes, it is hard. It has effected my life in different ways. Luckily for me I graduated high school last year while i was 7 months pregnant. And i am in college now for my bachelors degree in criminal justice. I want to be a juvenile probation officer. But my daughter is very demanding. She doesn't sleep through the night yet (we are working on it). It is so hard sometimes. But at the end of the day i look at my daughter and I think that it is all worth it. I don't have time to myself anymore. My boyfriend and I don't really have time for each other. Some times it is frustrating when she wont do what i need or want her to do. So yes, it is hard and a life changing experience. Just keep a positive attitude and when she cries and you are getting frustrated just remember that she is a baby and she doesn't understand . You can put him or her down or give them to someone else for a second and go take a breather. Just remember that they are only a baby once so embrace it now.Anybody been a teen mother and has some advice on how it affected your life after the birth of your child?
I got married when i was 17 years old, and we became pregnant when i was 18 years old. At the time, i was a very responsible person. I had finished high school, and had a full time job. The man that i married was a few years older than me and also had a job.

While i was pregnant, i had plans to go to college. But things changed once our first son was born. Our marriaeg started to become more stressful. We were young parents. We ended up having to find job that worked opposite hours so one of us could be home with the baby, at least until we could afford day care. By working opposite hours, we hardly ever had time as a husband and wife, and this hurt our relationship alot.

Also, all my friends who didnt have children slowly stopped being my firends. Because i was a mother and they wernt, we had less in common, and not much time to spend together. I had to learn to make new friends, like other mothers.

It was hard, because everything changed. We planned on having a baby, and knew things would change, but we had no idea how much it would change our lives. But, we have learned to deal with it in a positive way. Its all how you look at it.Anybody been a teen mother and has some advice on how it affected your life after the birth of your child?
Me my sister had her baby when she was i think 15 or 16. She has to work a lot to buy everything. She also never has the time to do anything. She always has to be with her baby all the time. Sometimes she gets so angry because the baby will be bad and not listen to her or won't stop being bad. But my sister spoils her she thinks that she has to give her everything the baby ask like she will buy her anything. And she lives with us and my dad was pretty pissed off when he found out that she was goin to have a bae so sometimes hes really mean to the babe and my sister now shes 19 and the baby is 3
no i havent been a teen mom but i know some people that are teen moms and there lifes were never the same

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