Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My mom want let me be who i am....need some advice before my life is gone?

well i have 2 neices and 1 of my neices got cault smoking weed and with a whole lot of boys in a car she also skipped school and got locked up she is 16. my other neice is 14 she got cault having with 2 boys in the house and doing alot of othe bad things. So my mom said i was on punishment because of what they have done. they are not even on punishment and they did it. i dont think its fair. my mom said i cant go nowhere i cant stay at home by myself im not aloud to talk too no one except for 2 people. also im not aloud to be seen with a boy ori will get in trouble. I dont understand why my mom is being mad at me because of what they did. i have not done what they have done and never will. my mom knows that but since they have done that i'm on punishment. what should i do? my mom says im on punishment until im 18.My mom want let me be who i am....need some advice before my life is gone?
Your mom is probably scard for you to get caught up in that. Maybe it is not necessarily punishment in her eyes, but a way of protecting you. I know when I see the crazy way kids are acting I get scard for my own and would love to shield them from seeing ....sigh....I would love to have them see more good and less hurt, violence, drugs, bad language, etc. But the world is what it is. Maybe you could talk to her about how you would like to make some friends who are a better influence on you. Personally, I love to hear my kids tell me of the ';decent'; fun they are having versus who saw what kind of movie that not even I would watch. Believe it or not, parents have such a hard job and in all honesty want their kids to do better than they did. That may be hard to believe, but I am sure your mom loves you a great deal. Good luck and God bless!My mom want let me be who i am....need some advice before my life is gone?
Your mom is really mad at this time and you should let her cool off a bit.it wasn;t your fault so you can tell your mom in 2days are so that you had nothing to do with your nieces doing the troubled thing,maybe even your nieces could explain that you had nothing to do with the trouble that they got you into...sometimes mom's don;t listen so good but give us a day or so and then we can think better,.,.
i know how you feel. my sisters did the same kinda thing and now my dad has me on like house arrest when i go there. i try to tell him but he doesnt listen. tell you mom that you wana meet with a tharapist and that you want her to come because you want someone to help talk to both of you. the tharapist will probably tell you mom that it is not ok. otherwise tell you mom to read the book, get out of my life but first can you drive me and cheryl to the mall. by anthony wolf.

it talks about how you are almost an adult and that there is not much else that she can do to parent you and that you deserve you freedom.

good luck and i feel for you!!!!!
Sorry about that I don't think your mom should of put you on punishment. Maybe you should tell your mom that you shouldn't be on punishment because what your nieces did they are the ones who should be punished
You should not be punished because your family members did the wrong thing unless you were involved.

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