Hi, I've gone through a lot lately (as you'll have probably seen from previous questions!).. my ex-wife is making it pretty clear she doesn't want me to be a part of my daughters life, constantly making things difficult when i try to arrange to see my daughter, not giving me a chance to be 50% parent in decision making and constantly putting her own needs before my daughters. For example, this weekend instead of my ';Xmas'; with Kianah, my ex-wife has said she wants Kianah to spend 27th onwards with her auntie instead of me, her natural daddy. She's done this through the solicitor so i await the written version. My ex-wife doesn't want to communicate on anything to do with our daughter to me as an adult. I don't want to be with my ex any more, she's moved on and I'm happy for her, but my interests are in my daughter who i love so much its untrue (i travelled 600 miles this weekend to spend quality time with her). Do i seek custody? Kia says she's unhappy being down there away from me.Ex-wife is trying to cut me out of my daughters life, can i have some advice please?
I think your ex's behaviour is deplorable, it is not for her to make a decision like that, your child deserves both parents even if one is closer, geographically, than the other.
My ex and I have gone through a lot of crap, she took me to court for more money, didn't get any though, thankfully one thing she has never done has denied our daughter seeing me and spending weekends with me and my new partner, whom I marry next month.
The only thing I can suggest is the legal route but I doubt you'd get residency unless you can prove she is an unfit mother. the cost may also be prohibitive. But they wil at least be able to order that you have rights as well and put together a visiting timetable.
how can she say she has your daughter's best interests in mind by stopping you seeing her, this makes me sick.Ex-wife is trying to cut me out of my daughters life, can i have some advice please?
Your ex is a B*%26amp;$h I Won't give you a paragraph, but just fight for your daughter, what your wifes intentions are, are UNEXCEPTABLE
If she is not honoring the court issued visitations then you might want to consider filing for joint custody due to her lack of respect for you her child's father. seek advice from the court on keeping your visitations. do yourself a great favor and write down every time she cancels or changes the plans you have for visitation.
Get a lawyer and protect yourself. Go to : fathersrights.com(i think) and get some legal help and advice. Unless you've show some kind of reason your an unfit father, she can't keep you from your child. Get the law behind you, then if she doesn't comply he could lose her custody/priveleges.Let me ask this...are you paying support? If not you need to.But if you try for joint custody, you will have the child 50/50 monitarily. This means whoever makes more money, will pay the other some, depending on the gap. How you go about it is up to you, but get some legal help or there isn't a damn thing you can do. you will give her comlpete control. Since the child resides with her and you have no agreement and your paying no support(if you aren't I don't know) YOU could get in trouble with the law if you try to change the situation outside the courtroom.
I hate it when children become a pawn in a battle of wits between ex partners. You have every right to see your daughter but the reality of the situation is that you are probably looking at a lengthy and expensive legal battle to assert your rights as her father.
Have you tried mediation? If that has failed then your only option is to keep trying to see your daughter and let the family courts decide what is in her best interests. Generally speaking, they do tend to side with the mother in these situations (which I think is completely unfair - each case should be judged on its own merits) but your ex would have to have a really good reason for not allowing you contact - such as a risk to your daughter's health, safety and wellbeing.
It's difficult, but try not allow yourself to become embroiled in a bitter custody battle. Keep things calm, and above all, focus on your daughter's best interests at all times.
Don't bad mouth her mother - especially not to your daughter, and just make sure she knows that she has a daddy that loves her and who is trying his best to see her. That, I'm afraid, is all you can do until the courts decide on an appropriate course of action.
*edit* Have just seen the pics of your beautiful daughter Rob, they are lovely - however, whilst I appreciate you are a loving and proud father, I would have serious reservations about displaying her pictures in a public domain - you never know what weirdos are lurking about.
My daddy had the same problem as you did when it came to fighting for custody rights for me and my brother. My mother wouldn't even let me talk to my dad half of the time. Your wife is many of wifes think that the husbands are going to rape the kids or assault them or something. The courts (many many years ago) would side with the mother all the time. Nowadays, fathers are getting more and more rights. But in your case, go to court. Fight for your rights! It took my father to get me three years but for him, it was worth it.
Do whatever it takes, if she refuses, file court papers. Make her let you have visitation rights. She's a crazy witch. She's crazy!
i wish there were more fathers around like u!!!
my advise would be to see a soliciter and if you are in the uk good! ALL courts will now give fathers parental responsibilty automatically and the right to access, this is not for your benefit but for your little girl. Don't under any cirmumstances discuss the little girls mother (regardless what you think of her) to her or any listening adult. in time your little girl will realise what her mother is like and will turn to you for support. It looks like things are going to get nasty so please prepare yourself. contact her school and explain whats happening and to inform you as her biological parent of any changes. open a bank account for her putting money in when you can and on birthdays/christmas so if for whatever reason contact is lost at least when she finds you when she is older then you can at least show he you thought about her all the time.
My heart really does go out to you and i hope this is resolved for everyones sake.
God bless you. x
Get yourself a lawyer and fight for at least joint custody if not full custody. Then you will have scheduled times to see her that your ex can not mess with.
oh my god..... i really dont get some women why on earth cant she put her own selfish needs to one side and think about your daughter???... anyway i grew up with my dad and love him more then anything, little girls need their daddies... i dont know how old ur daughter is but i do suggest that u carry on going through the courts for by the sounds of it ur ex dont really like u and u never know how far she might take things like recording telephone calls etc.... get ur daughter a mobile phone for christmas and let her know u are at the end of the phone when ever she wants to talk and text her every now and then to let her know ur thinking of her, in time she will be able to tell the courts what she wants and u never know it might be to be with u.... all i can say is good luck and i hope things work out it is good to see there are still good dads around *a big hug from me to u*
Lawyer up!!!
not only go for joint/sole custody also look for joint/ sole CARE AND CONTROL or you will not have any say in your little girls life as ex can make decisions and change things and does not have to consult you IE; change her surname all kinds of things i had a brief told me don't need to do this like hell i didn't and my ex got full custody and care and control and she tried to commit suicide when carrying my son luckily he OK now.if you get joint care control she MUST consult you on everything to do with Kianah, wish you all the luck in the world my friend and as others have said set up bank acct or building society acct which ever you choose and put money away for her write a diary of what ex says to also keep all letters sent to you record phone calls and pass all this onto solicitor go to your local c a b and they will point you in the right direction of a FAMILY SOLICITOR ask around see if you can find anyone else who has used them as others have said do not discuss this with anyone as it will get back to ex as sure as god made little green apples also don't talk to Kianah about her or the situation just avoid the subject all together or you will be just like the ex spite-full so you must fight fire with fire love and light to you and Kianah also may your god go with you BEST OF LUCK TO YOU
Good on ye for being a proper dad!! When my ex-wife and I split eight years ago - I was absolutely gutted and the thought of being a 'part-time dad' to my 2yr old daughter filled me with so much anguish and hatred for my ex! She told me that her new fella wanted to adopt MY little princess - I could've spent a long time behind bars for what I did next - I'm not proud of it - but she got the message!
We agreed, via solicitors, that I should see her for a full weekend every two weeks. Two weeks in the summer, a week at Christmas and Easter. She tried to pull a fast one several times. I contacted my solicitor and he sorted it out. She now realises that I am a proper DAD and will be for the rest of my life. We are friends now and she knows that I am a good dad and support her both financially and emotionally. I know that is true because of the love I get from my daughter in return.
Don't hesitate to contact a solicitor - father's get a rough deal where OUR kids are concerned. Be careful, though, don't use Kia as a weapon. Your ex will need to prove that you are an unfit parent and are not capable of looking after Kia to prevent access.
Kia doesn't want to upset either of you so will say that she prefers to be with you and then at her mum's, she'll say that she prefers time with her - she loves you both. Don't force her to cchoose! Be prepared to fight for time with her however, don't deny her time with her mother. She'll resent you for it - she'll hate her mother for denying time with her dad!!
Fight for your rights until you have no breath left in your body.
Please feel free to e-mail me and let me know how you get on! Chin up!!
Immediately seek legal help from a solicitor, they'll sort out immediate court arrangements or discussions with the other party; your wife.
You're fully within right to see your child everyday, unless their is a clause or you and your ex-partner have agreed otherwise.
Your children's wishes come into factor too, and your child wants to see you and family courts only act on the childs behalf and well-being.
you deserve to have a part in your child's life.
You are not old fashioned,in fact,you are a breath of fresh air.
You clearly love your daughter and you are right in saying that a child deserves 2 parents in their lives.
Your daughter did not ask for her parents to divorce and she did not ask to have to choose between her mum and dad so to put her through all this unnecessary bickering is unfair and mean.
I understand that your x-wife has moved on and met another man and thats great for her but she has to understand that you are a willing father who wants contact with his daughter.
If your x-wife wants to involve the courts then there is not much you can do other than go to every meeting and show willingness and show you are eager to keep contact with your daughter.
Depending on where you live popping into a citizens advice centre and seek advice on your rights as a father may also assist you.
I really do hope you seek the answers you are looking for and i hope it works out for you
Yes, go to court and get a visitation schedule. Also, be sure that you have joint legal custody. That way she must communicate with you and if she chooses not to then you keep a journal of everything that is happening and keep taking her back to court if need be. I know that will get a little pricey - but remember it is for the best interest of your daughter. After returning to court several times I am sure the judge will see the pattern she has set and will side with you. That may take some time and some pushing on your part but in the end it will be well worth it.
If you daughter is truly miserable - and you have the means to support her full time and she wants to be with you- why not go for full custody? I am not sure how old your daughter is but the court will take that into consideration and if she is old enough the judge will even bring her into his chambers and talk with her to see what she wants and he will use that when making his decision.
Good luck, keep fighting for your rights and God Bless you and your little girl!
Just say actually my new girlfriend prefers that I don't spend too much time with Kianah, she wants me to look forward instead of back (that will really pee her off), Bet she soon moans about you NOT spending time. Trust me it's the only way.
First of all, your ex-wife should not be able to have the final say on whether or not you get to see your daughter. You have rights as a father. Not only is your ex being selfish, she is hurting Kia, when it's obvious her goal is to hurt you.
YES, you must go to court and get at least joint custody of her, or a visitation schedule. If at all possible, move closer to them. The court will take into consideration the 600-mile gap between you, but this doesn't change your legal rights. Do not let this woman remove your child from your life. Fight for her.
Rob all im gonna say is my honest opinion, and I don't give a rats behind what woman on here likes it. First off, I've been noticing plenty of guys in your situation, The conclusion I've come to is that women want it all, the house, cars, money, and when there good and bored, they want ';trophy'; children. I personally am married, but will ';not'; have children. Why? because god forbid my wife wakes up on the wrong side of the bed one day, she will then decide to ruin my life like most women are doing, it's a fact. They think they can control a man by using their children as pawns, its sickening. Here is what you need to do. Your daughter needs to go to counseling with you and explain why she dislikes it down there, and wants to be with you. If you can prove that you can provide for her, you'll win in court, my friend did exactly this. I will pray for you man as well as all the other guys I know with this headache. Do yourself a favor, dont' have any more kids, and don't get married again. Best of luck I think you'll get custody. It's important that your daughter go with you to lawyer or counselor ok?
you keep fighting for her, get legal advice, unless you are a danger to your child then you will be given access...write her a letter and let her know that she is damaging your child by denying her a father, that in years to come she will have to account to the child for taking HER right to see YOU away, because although she clearly wants to hurt you , in order to do that she has to hurt your daughter...keep fighting and when the time comes you will be able to say to your child,';this is what i did in order to see you';....good luck
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