Sunday, December 27, 2009

Need advice with my life. What should I do?

Here's my situation: I'm 22 and have schizophrenia. I'm on SSI which gives me a max of 850 dollars a month. I never graduated from highschool and don't have any work experience.

I was renting a room from my dad but he passed away so now I'm renting a room from my mom but I can already tell this isn't a stable situation and it's only matter of time before she kicks me out.

No one else will rent me a room because of my disorder and because I'd be home all day since I dont work, and even if they did, people charge 500-700 dollars monthly to rent rooms which would barely leave me enough money for food and utilities.

I think my mind is stable enough right now to go out into the world but it's so scary since I spent most of my life inside and dont know how to survive on my own or be independent.

I want to try to get a job like a nomral person but if I get a job then my SSI will be cut off and if or when I lose my job I'll be comepletely screwed without an income. Any advice?Need advice with my life. What should I do?
Why do you think your mom wants you to leave? Does she want you to do more around the house or get a job or something?

Anyway, there is often housing available for people who are labeled ';seriously, persistently'; mentally ill. I would say that with schizophrenia, you qualify. I'm not sure where you live... if you live in a city, it should be easier to find. I would get in touch with a social worker or like Chiliswoman says, a mental health agency, and try to get some help with finding a stable living arrangement.

And if you are paying rent, your mom probably can't just kick you out- she would have to go through some kind of legal procedure with housing court...If you come home and find the locks changed, call the cops. They'll let her know she can't do that. If she tells you to get out, tell her you have rights. She has to either give you a month or legally evict you. I'm not sure which is true in your state. Again, a social worker or a lawyer should be able to help with that.

Social security can help you with employment and training, but if you never graduated from high school, you will need a GED to get any kind of decent job. I'm not sure what kind of job you qualify for, but its sure to be entry level. You already know that you don't work well with people- don't force yourself to do anything that may make you decompensate. If you feel you need a job right away where you don't interact with too many people, maybe a job doing something in a stockroom of a store or in maintenance would be good.

After settling your living and working situation, I'd go to GED school. After that, you can consider college.

Social security can tell you how much you can earn over what period of time and still keep your benefits.

This is a whole lot to do for a youngster who has not been encouraged to be independent- take it slow and do it step by step.

Good Luck!Need advice with my life. What should I do?
I'd advise you to check into group home setting for young adults. You don't need to take on the world all by yourself.

Good luck sweetie. I'm sorry about your dad.
Can we be friend? I am 22 years old with Asperger Syndrome. Asperger used to be misdiagnosed as schizophrenia.

1. Far as the SSI, they have a ';Ticket to Work'; program where you earn $2 from job for every $1 that you earned from SSI. There is obviously a maximum what you can make from SSI but they have that program for people who want to work and carry SSI.

2. Apply for Section 8, it is not for everybody but you can probably cut your rent by half as a minumum.

3. Find an apartment that is approved by Section 8 that is near a walking distance to store that is thrift like Family Dollars Store and store that sell a reasonable price for food. Don't tell the landlord that you have medical problems and such that like telling your boss that you have problem. Generally it leave ground for discrimination even those it is illegal.

4. Order a air popcorn machine from eBay. You can buy popcorn kernels very cheap like $1.50 per 1 pound of kernels. You basically making about 7 days worth of meal but you need other nutrition as well. You can also order Spirutein which can help your body and mind as well.

5. If you apply for food stamp, you been given $40 average weekly depending on the state allowance.

By having this all down with your daily excercise, you can manage to live peacefully without hardship.
It is so very seldom that one reads such a well put together question like this one. The structure was impeccable, the language was perfect. I wish I could deliver myself as well as you can.

Are you putting us on?
Im so so sorry..

Honestly i dont know.

It's your decesion,

Ultamitley you know what you should do.

And whats best for you.

If your mom kicks you she's cruel, sorry but..

Truth hurts sometimes.

Do you have an uncle or aunt or relative?

Or even a great friend?
Your state's Department of Vocational Rehabilitation can do much to help you with your dilemma. They will evaluate you for your strengths and weaknesses, assign a job coach and a job developer, and eventually place you with a sympathetic employer. They can also help with the life-skills you lack. It is possible to get your GED, and they will most likely pay for it as part of your job training.

Your SSI will not be cut off if you are unable to work and earn consistently. Call the SSA or visit their website

Your county and/or city housing authority will have apartments for low income and disabled individuals, as well as rent subsidies. You will typically be put on a waiting list, but you can be working on your independent living skills in the meantime.

Hang in there-- you can do this with the right help.
Perhaps there's specialized homes (not institutions) that are safe havens and cheap for the scizophrenic.
I'm pretty sure that SSI doesn't cut off when you're employed. SSI is for when you can work, just not a full-time week. Most people on SSI do work, just not a full 40 hours. SSD is the one that won't let you work. I think with SSD you can only make like $500/mo or something. My advice to you is to get a part-time job at a warehouse or something like that. Test the waters, and just see how it goes.

Are you on medication for your condition? This would definitely help you out.

Also...why do you say no one will rent you a room because of your disorder? I'm a bit confused about that.
Well,call me ignorant if you want,but l really do not know much about schizophrenia.But why would your mother,seeing you are only 22 would want to kick you out of home.lf things are that bad,could not you just perservere for awhile and try and save some money for down the track.l am sure there must be some help that you are entitled to because of your complaint.There must be some government organization that you can turn to for help.l guess you are on medication,so does this not help you?l sincerley hope that the future looks up for you and that you are able to lead somewhat of a normal life.
Move to a hostel then you can apply for housing.

Anthony F, it also made me wonder at how well it was written but then after reading what you said I read the question over again with a Little more attention and your right because I my self is sick and my sentences/paragraph h some times just don't make sense. I look at some of the stuff I wrote in the past and I really can't believe that was me that wrote it.

If things are that bad then in the end you'll have to consider a hostel whether you like or not. You should be ale to get a room for 400 to 500dollars and go to a food bank to top our self up or a soup line. If your able to write this well and no one has edited it then may be you should consider being an editor. Some of the stuff you can do at home and not after to worry about how long it'll take has long as its at the office done.So is this a put or are you telling the truth,come on fess up.
You need to talk to people at social security. They have many programs that could help you. One is a trial work period. You can work for 9 months without your check or benefits being affected. This is a good program for a person who is not sure because of the nature of their disability if they can work or not. And even if you do find work that you can do - it does not mean you lose your benefits. There are all kids of programs out there.

But it sounds to me as if the first thing you need to do is to get a stable living situation. Contact your local community mental health agency and see if they have supported living situations that you might qualify for. These are living situations where your rent is subsidized and you are usually provided with a variety of other supports. They you can look for employment.
Yeah dude sometimes I feel the same way around people. Like if I go out, then I feel like people are staring at me all the time. And there's times when I don't feel like their staring at me. I don't know if it's due to depression but I feel like I don't belong out there sometimes. It even makes me move differently. For example I start critiquing my own walk and how I am supposed to stare ahead, but I seem to meet people's eyes when I steal a glance. It's so weird. Keeping yourself inside will only make matters worse. I am in college and so I am exposed to people all the time. The bottom line: people couldn't give damn on who you are or what you look like unless you're attracting unwanted attention somehow. But even then, they will continue to live out their lives and so will you. So who cares? You only live once and I say live it to the fullest. Then and only then can you move on to accomplish what ever you feel like doing.

Oh btw, I was going to ask you to take up WoW since you have so much free time. Looking at you questions, I see you already do. I roll horde on Forgotten Coast (recommended pop) and Warsong (High pop).
My husband has disabilities and fortunately for us we live in Australia.

Over here we have a pension and community housing provided and special employment agencies who only find employment for disabled people. They even work along side you until you are comfortable on your own. My hubby wont take a job that has him dealing with people. His pension is not in danger as long as he works less than 30 hrs a week.

I don't know where you live but I do sympathise with you. Its been a battle for my family for many years. Thankfully my hubby is now on a good medication which keeps him nice and stable.

Keep a positive attitude and ask if there are any social workers who could help you with the accommodation and work problems. There must be some kind of agency that is there to help. You just need to ring around until you find them. The Salvation Army also helps with this sort of thing here in OZ so try them too!!

Keep trying and don't give up. I wish you all the best!!!
First off im sorry to hear about the loss of your father ,it is never easy .....secondly ...If you have your liscense maybe try to get a job delivering newspapers in the morning ... another thing you could do is try to look online and find a job where you can work at home.

Good luck man think positive and things will work out.

PS you could always get your GED and do an online college
type google in your address box in the google search type independant living
Is this Joey? Your dad, just passed away, a few mos ago? IF not, I'm sorry, Shows ur not alone. Try to live your life, don't let any 1 or any thing tell u what u can or cannot do. You can do anything u want, and u don't hav to do any thing u don't want. How can I say that , u ask? I was supposed 2 b gone, b 4 I ever reached the age of 18-20. Drs said I'd never live so long, I am well into my 50's , closer 2 60, take no meds, and 4 the most part healthy, not bad 4 some 1 who would never see 30, oh and i smoke 2. God bless You!!!!! U can Work, just don't make 2 much $, in the course of so many mos. Take Care, God Bless, And HAPPY HOLIDAYS 2 U.... Don't let any 1 control u, do what makes u happy. As ur comfortable, with ur life, that's what counts. Every 1 has an opinion, unless u been there........By the way, just 1 more thing , my hub, has been married 6(counting me) x's. We've been married 4 10 yrs, he is also 100 %, vet, schio part of prob. I wouldn't trade him 4 any thing, has his moments, but who doesn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's good and bad, in all situations, Faith keeps us all ................................
You could get a job as a caretaker,and you may be given a room as part of your wage !
The first thing you should do is talk to your mother, I think she would understand. After that work on getting your GED, without any hesitation at all.

The second thing you should do is take an aptitude test, like the ASVAP Test for example, to see what your strengths and weaknesses are. Careerscope offers such testing.The website is:鈥?/a>

After you find out what your strengths and weaknesses are you should go back to college, and as long as you have a GED 2-year colleges will accepted you as a student, and build up your strengths while working on your weaknesses.

After earning your Associates Degree transfer to 4-year university and earn your Bachelor's Degree, that is up to you but if I were you I would. Don't worry about tuition because there is financial aid available to help students attend college.

In the meantime, while in school keep track of your academic progress. Keep any projects that you did in a portfolio. It would help you in the long run. Keeping the projects that I did while earning my Associates Degree helped me land the job that I'm due to start next Monday.

Good luck.
go out into the world.

leave your home.


a life is waiting for you outside of those walls.

i suffer from mental instability too.

and the feeling you get when you finally find your niche in the world in the most wonderful feeling in the world.

so go out there and find it.
Can social security help u with section 8 housing and getting a ged also medication can keep u stable uf lose the job u can go back on ssi or unemployment. The care taker idea was good one perhaps at a motel or an old estate. Employesr get tac inccentives to help people in ur spot good luck 2 u
Hey buddy,

I really feel for you. I've managed to make it pretty far in the world (two college degrees, high paying job) but in reality I've been borderline Asberger's my whole life, with occasional paranoid episodes. While I'm a little higher functioning than you, I want to encourage you that there is a place in society for EVERYONE, regardless of ability or disability, it's just difficult sometimes to find it. Surround yourself with people who are sympathetic to your cause, but strong enough in character to tell you what you need to hear, even if you don't like it.

I agree with some of the other posters that you need to start with the SSI office and social services in your town. Work through your network of family and friends, your church if you attend one, etc. Don't ask for handouts, but DO ask for advice - people who know you, who have been around you, will be able to help you find your talents and abilities - and EVERYONE has some sort of talent. Don't be one of those people who waits until they are 90 to discover their passion in life. Other sources of help would include your church, neighbors, nonprofit community organizations, etc. Keep seeking and you will find the help you need.

Two words of warning: (1) not everyone is sympathetic to the cause of the mentally ill. Don't let these people get you down. There are plenty of people who understand mental illness who will be able to help you, although you may need to search a little to find them. (2) many people will want to help you, but be unable to. They may not have the time, resources, or expertise to help you. Or, they may give you advice that isn't appropriate. Do not allow yourself to be a burden to anyone, if you can help it. If you receive advice, test it against your own intuition. Some well-meaning people may give you bad advice. Over time, as you seek advice, you will learn to distinguish the good from the bad. Choose the good.

Psalm 37:25 says ';I have been young, and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his children begging for bread'; (I apologize if the bible verse offends anyone). As long as you are willing to work, remain humble and realistic about your condition, I don't think you will have too much trouble integrating into society. When you have mental challenges and you go out into the world, you will occasionally embarrass yourself or have episodes; but when you come back to your senses, just apologize, admit your challenges and seek help. Get as much help as you can without mooching off of others - society will give you OPPORTUNITY first and a handout only as a last resort. Believe in yourself, you CAN succeed if you want to, if you're willing to work hard, and if you keep the right attitude. Ask God to help you and you will not be disappointed. We are all dependent on God, even the rich and powerful.

Finally I would encourage you that mental illness DOES NOT define you, you are a worthy, loveable, talented person WHO HAPPENS to have a mental illness. Always remember that. Over time, you do not know whether the illness will master you or whether you will master the illness. Many schizophrenics are brilliantly intelligent. You may be able to manage your symptoms with the help of a skilled therapist, depending upon the severity of your illness. I found that over time, I was able to recognize my triggers (stress, betrayal of my trust by others, specific memories, unfamiliar situations) and be aware when I was not thinking rationally. Although I'm not always able to think my way out of an episode, I can at least recognize when I need help or when I may have a distorted view of reality.

I wish you the best of luck, and maybe one day YOU'LL be the one writing about how you were able to succeed in life in spite of your challenges.
I assume that you are under a doctors care and are taking your meds. I don't know what state you are in, but you may find an agency that helps people with disabilities find appropriate work - including job placement - here we have Michigan Rehabilitative Services. Seek out these agencies! They also help with continuing your education.

With SSI you can work without losing all of it. For every dollar you make, you get half of that. So, you get $800 per month SSI, if you made just $100 per week, your total income for a month between the two sources would be $1000. There is a limit, I'm not sure what it would be, but working full time would be a difficult start.

As far as housing, there is Section 8, which helps low income individuals find housing based on your income.

Going into the work world may make you anxious, I hope you have a counselor to talk to and help you cope with the transition. It's great that you are thinking ahead, and don't ever stop your meds without your doctors' approval.

I wish you the best of luck!
Enjoy your life the way it is.

You live in a filantropic age, where schizophrenics are not tortured by the ';healthy'; and where they do still, you may avoid those places.

Be happy on this, when you get the bad feelings- you do not get it multiplied by others that way.
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