Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I need advice about my sex life... i want to let my partners ex-lover film us having sex and then join in HELP

Im horny as hell by the idea that i can have my partners ex-lover involved in our sex life. iv been with my partner for 18 months and we both want to have another person involved in our bedroom play... am i out of my mind with frustration or just out of my mind? i get guilty at thinking that i want this as much as (if not more than) my partner. our sex life is far from dull but the thrill of another is so intriging that its incomperable.

I am desperate to resolve this as soon as possible... help me with your thoughts on this.. im up for all judgement as i know this might not sit well in some peoples concience...

i am more in love with my partner now than the day we first met so im not trying to find a new partner i just want some fun.I need advice about my sex life... i want to let my partners ex-lover film us having sex and then join in HELP
Polyamorous relationships are quite common but it takes a lot of discussing with your partner and a lot of looking inside yourself, asking yourself the questions that only you can answer. Is this better off left as a fantasy? Will I be able to ';handle'; it if my partner touches another person? What will this do to our relationship in the long run? Are you prepared to deal with the feelings that may develop between your partner and the third person that is brought into the relationship?

If you will be involving someone else in your relationship (polyamorous), it must be someone you can trust. It must be someone you both have a mutual attraction for. Most importantly though, it must be discussed long and hard between all three of you. Be honest with both of them, get your concerns out on the table before it takes place, and discuss exactly what you want to happen. That way there are no surprises when it takes place.

Involving a third person is a very exciting thing to have happen for couples in relationships that are strong and healthy when both are in agreement on all aspects, but can be devasting for those that have even the slightest doubt about the emotions involved. Be certain that both of you are understanding when it comes to what will happen after the event has occured.

Personally, I wouldn't involve the ex-lover of your partner because of the emotional complications involved. It may seem like an exciting adventure for you and your partner to involve someone in that position, but this is a person that your parnter has once had feelings for and you should prepare yourself for the jealousy issues that may arise from the experience.

When it comes to our partners cheating on us, sometimes the actual physical act itself isn't what hurts us or makes us afraid, sometimes it's the fear of losing that emotional attachment with our partner - that fear of them giving their love to someone else. Please think this through completely and if you decide to proceed, have an indepth discussion between the three of you so that you know exactly what everyone hopes to gain from the experience. If it all works out and goes smoothly, that's wonderful...if someone gets hurt in the process, emotionally, at least you have the satisfaction of knowing that you were perfectly honest with yourself and everyone else involved and can walk away from the experience knowing that you were true to your words and feelings. Good luck to you!I need advice about my sex life... i want to let my partners ex-lover film us having sex and then join in HELP
freak and twested
1. Talk to your lover

2. Buy a dildo

3. Try the spell-checker...
Interesting question !! You're madly in love with bf but you want someone else into your bed so you can have some fun !!

Sounds like something is definitely wrong with this picture, but just based on facts I can tell you that your relationship will change dramatically after this 3-some and quite possibly you'll be free and looking for bf #2 shortly thereafter. There is a dynamic that just simply changes the complexion of a relationship when a 3rd party becomes involved.

Good Luck
well talk to you bf and see whats he says, you might want to have another guy but he might wants another girl and that could be an issue good luck
you know if you really love each other you won't be seeking other people's help just add spice to your sex life.love is not just having fun it's about commitment. if you really love your partner you will not seek fun from others because you are contented with each other.you better understand what you want. sex or make love. it's two different things. sex is just having pleasure it is without feelings while making love is the act that you do because you love and respect each other. life is not all about having fun you should also respect yourself.
whatever floats yourboat..but by doing this your basicallys aying its ok to mess around on you and visa versa... alot of women and men have the same fantasy , some act on it and others ont..its just a fantasy some use as a way of becomming more horney i guess youd say during making love... is your choice ifyou decide to follow through..but stop and realize you may feel dirty and nasty afterwards and sometimes it even ruins relationships even tho both parties say they want to do this..... dont knwo what else to tell ya..but from my own experiance?? i did this for my ex hubby..and afterwards i felt so dirty and awful i showered and showered and showered.... i went against my morals for him..and i will never llow anyone to talk me into anythign im against ..ever again.. it was my decisiona nd well i paid my dues for experimenting for a man.... dont ever allow anyone to talk ya into doing anythign you dont feel inside you should be doing... hugss sweetie

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