i m living a 4 years old married life now a days my wife quarrel so much on financial issues, yesterday we had a very harsh argument just because i spent 1000 bucks last month without telling her.Need advice for my married life...? serious people please?
You spent a thousand dollars without talking it over with her???? She should have been mad at you then! That is a BIG NO-NO!Need advice for my married life...? serious people please?
If you guys are trying to save money for some reason than you should have consulted with her 1st before you spent it.
$1000 and you didn't tell her? You and I would have had MORE than a harsh argument. I'd have kicked your a$$. I'm definitely with her on that one.
it would depend on what my husband bought or did, we don't really argue about finances, but no, I would be ticked off about $1000.
Is that a lot of money for you two? If so, then it's something you should consult her with before spending. It's a courtesy that will keep the quarrels to a minimum. What did you spend the cash on?
Everyone quarrels over money. It is true! Sit down and try to have a calm conversation and make out a budget on what needs to be paid and the money you have to play with for luxury. Split the luxury money down the middle and that will be your share. That way there is no complaint on what you spent YOUR amount on. It would be you choice. If things are out of hand take a breather from life. You both go away to a remote place..separate and sort out your thoughts. Good luck.
I think you need to apologize. Marriage is sharing everything. Try to talk %26amp; tell her that you dont like her late behaviour of arguing on everything try to solve this %26amp; do your best to save your couple.
Wish you all the best
If you keep going the way your going I see divorce in your future. What would you spend a grand on? If you thought you were doing the right thing you would have told your wife. Better start comunicating or you won't have a wife. The 2 biggest things that break up any marrage is #1 sex and #2 money.
JUST 1k....well considering i dont know what you are raking in as a monthly income, and dont know if you have a lot of bills, or kids, i dont know whether you have that kind of money to blow. If you do have money to blow, then maybe she is a control freak and you need to sit down and discuss that with her. If you have other obligations and responsibilities such as kids, or a lot of bills, then you should not be recklessly splurging on things you dont need. I noticed you didnt mentino what you baught. That has a lot to do with it too. Did you buy a washer and dryer bc yours was broken?? Or a play station with 12 games. Women like responsible and reliable men. I guarentee you she is trying to build stability, a safty net with the money she is trying to save, just bc it is in there doesnt mean you need to spend it. also, is your wife a spender??? I believe (being married myself) that you should set some boundaries, that way the line is never crossed. You should decide on an ammount to discuss with your spouse that is an ';asking ammount'; like anything over 100$ we ask eachother, that way the other one isnt spending the same ammount if that is all you have in the account andyou go under. It is about boundaries, respect, and the fact that you include her in what you decide on, a lot of that fight i guarentee you had nothing to do with the money, it was that you didnt ask her, she wants to be included. A women will use a topic to argue about something that really means something to her, with hidden messages inside, for some reason women expect men to read between the lines and catch on, but they dont, so women need to work on that. But back to the point.....you were wrong, ask before you spend large ammounts!!
Look if you don't really have a extra $1ooo.oo to spend then she has a good reason to be mad. And if your and her agreement is that you discuss your financial with each other and you didn't she has right to be mad too. So own up to it. You need to read proper care of marriage by Dr. Laura C. Schlessinger and both of you need to read it.
I just have one question. How would you respond if she went to the mall, and came home with $1000 worth the merchandise, and didn't say a word to you about it?
I think it's fair when you're married for you BOTH to discuss money, especially if you're going to spend that amount of money.
Whatever is hers is yours,whatever is yours is hers.SO i would tell her next time you go spending your guys's Money. WHAT did you BUy??
';Just because you have spent 1000 bucks';? I am not quite sure I understand your question. How much money are you making that makes a 1000 bucks worth hardly anything to you? For most people that does represent something and doing your own business on your own may not be the best way to share life with your wife. Does she spend the same amounts freely without you knowing? Would you mind her doing that and would your finances cope with this?
Guess you forgot the question part but if your going to spend money why not tell her. And tell her your going to spend it anyway but your just letting her know about it. You and her need to talk and both of you'll need to agree on letting the other know when your going to spend a set amount of money and why? Also need to set up a budget and make sure it's done first before spending extra money. But without communication you and her will always agrue. So both of you'll sit down and discuss the situation together, without yelling or fighting because it isn't helping anything.
What did you spend the money on and why didn't you tell her?
I'm not sure I believe this is a serious question. I find it hard to believe that anyone would be surprised that their spouse was upset that they spend $1000 - Unless you're rich or something.
I'd have a freakin coronary if my husband spent that much on himself without telling me. If you consistently spend your money like this, I'm not at all surprised that you argue about it a lot. Your wife has a lot to be pissed at you about.
well everyone argues over issues weather married or not.But you should have told her that because the marriage and everything that comes with it is part of both of you,You can't do anything with out asking your partner especially about money.
You spent $1000 without telling your wife, and you wonder why your having problems?? For starters, spend less money..(unless you spent it on bills or some payment). And tell your wife if your going to spend an amount like that! That is a lot of money...if I was her I'd be pretty mad too. Try marraige counseling. good luck
Why on God's green earth would you spend that much money without discussing it with our partner. I think that you do not have any respect for her, and she will be better off without you.
Well your first mistake was spending that kind of money without her knowledge. You should know by now that you have no mine money everything is shared so when you spend money like this and do not tell her she feels you are stealing from the financial structure of the household.
Really you need to stop keeping secrets from your wife everything must be communicated together as a couple
especially finances. When you marry having seperate accounts is just not right you have a joint account and everything that is spent is discussed first. If I were her I would take your head off too a grand is no small amount of cash.
Dude never spend money without telling. Because if you have finacial issues than you can be spending money like that. Im 12 and i know this....you should toooooo!
Your wife doesn't want collectors knocking at her door repossessing her life because you overspend. It is quite obvious YOU should not have gotten married. You have no sense of responsiblity.
Open up the communication and you wont have this problem. By the way I would love to be able to say that I spent 1000 dollars without telling anyone, making it seem like it wasnt a big deal.
The point is that you did something she obviously has a control issue with, which usually women are the ones that have that problem. They just want to be notified so that if something happens and needs immediate attention, she knows she has the money available.
you both need to agree on what money is being spent over 20 bucks. there's probably been some well she does this and so I'm going to do that. Don't do it. provide an example and you both will stop.
you should never spend money until consulting your other half. of course that would lead to an argument. what if she did that, you would be pissed. put your tail between your legs and apologize. and talk it out before spending money like that again.
The crunch is getting to us all . Don't worry be happy.
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